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K3d image import

k3d image import

Import image(s) from docker into k3d cluster(s).


Import image(s) from docker into k3d cluster(s).

If an IMAGE starts with the prefix ‘’, then this prefix is stripped internally. That is, ‘’ is treated as ‘k3d-io/k3d-tools:latest’.

If an IMAGE starts with the prefix ‘library/’ (or ‘’), then this prefix is stripped internally. That is, ‘library/busybox:latest’ (or ‘’) are treated as ‘busybox:latest’.

If an IMAGE does not have a version tag, then ‘:latest’ is assumed. That is, ‘k3d-io/k3d-tools’ is treated as ‘k3d-io/k3d-tools:latest’.

A file ARCHIVE always takes precedence. So if a file ‘./k3d-io/k3d-tools’ exists, k3d will try to import it instead of the IMAGE of the same name.

k3d image import [IMAGE | ARCHIVE [IMAGE | ARCHIVE...]] [flags]


  -c, --cluster stringArray   Select clusters to load the image to. (default [k3s-default])
  -h, --help                  help for import
  -k, --keep-tarball          Do not delete the tarball containing the saved images from the shared volume
  -t, --keep-tools            Do not delete the tools node after import
  -m, --mode string           Which method to use to import images into the cluster [auto, direct, tools]. See (default "tools-node")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --timestamps   Enable Log timestamps
      --trace        Enable super verbose output (trace logging)
      --verbose      Enable verbose output (debug logging)